Timely thread. I currently have my small shop space in the basement, which does get chilly in the winter, but isn't challenging otherwise. Recent and prospective equipment acquisitions, along with some upcoming builds, are making the small basement space look less and less practical, though, so I've been mulling over a move to the detached garage (2-1/2 car and we only have one car). 

In MN, that can mean pretty chilly temps in the winter and a decent amount of heat and humidity in the summer, so I've been thinking about how that would affect both my materials and my motivation. I did have the foresight to at least insulate before sheetrocking, and to get an insulated garage door. In the dead of the winter, and with no active heat source other than the car being parked there after a drive, the space tends to stay just a smidge over freezing. 

Because of the biggish air volume, of which I'd only be occupying 1/3 or so, I'm thinking that an infrared heater is probably the short-term, foot-in-the-door heating solution, but I'd be interested to hear what other cold climate folks think. 

For the summer, I really don't know.... I'm not terribly concerned about my comfort level - I regularly exercise to the point of sweating buckets - but I'm not sure how the bigger temp and humidity swings would affect materials, so I'm interested to hear feedback on that, as well.