I enjoy this site, I wish there was a little more posting going on, sometimes it feels like the posts stay around too long due to lack of movement on the other posts.. I just think we need to be more “chatty”.
Having said that, I do have some different opinions to some of the posts on this thread…..I do agree that this is a kinder gentler version of the other site, and maybe I took this thread wrong but I did not find the OP to be kinder and gentler, rather somewhat harsh and accusitory. Forgive me Maniario, but what is wrong with “What_____should I buy posts” even what do you think about this TS? Isn’t that what sites like this are for? We have many posters at varying levels of abilities with shops at different levels of completion. That question is very relavant to them. If someone posts a question about an advanced form of joinery…is that more more relavant to them than which TS should I buy to some one that knows very little about TS’s. I have seen many comments like that, not just on here, but other sites too. It is not too difficult to skip over those Posts to what you want to read. I do not mean to be condesending or inflaming, but I have thought this a long time……we all started at the beginning some time,
I think we should be considerate of “newer” people. I had an older neighbor that “mentored” me…..and believe me I needed some mentoring! I strongly advocate passing it forward.
This is just all ONLY my opinion, forgive me if I have offended you.
