Gary, I hope to make it if at all possible. As you know though, I never make promises that far out due to health issues.

Bob, you learn to overcome. The biggest problem I had with mechanic work was wires. If I had to wire anything I had to trace and label things. I could not depend on wiring diagrams or color codings. For simpler things though, like I try to explain, it’s like a black and white TV. Actually, I see it as an advantage in some cases. Because I am used to picking out details in contrasts, I do better in low light conditions than some people.
As for the military, it is one of the things that kept me out. I was raised by a 23 year military vet. I was taught that all men of a certain age done at least their four years duty for their country. It was expected. My plan was to make a career out of it. My world was crushed when I was turned down. So I fell back on the one skill I had, I could fix anything with a wrench.

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.