Jack sorry I had to laugh when you wrote the flesh, bone and nail hit your wife’s cheek and she screamed. I’m sure at the time it wasn’t but what’s the coincedence of it getting her in the cheek. I swear most of us jinx ourselves. Half the time we no better but we still do it. Then sometimes it’s just that if we move our thumb or hand the piece of wood your working on will get wrecked or it will be a lot of work fixing it after so we still go ahead with it..lol..
The most stupid thing I did wasn’t with a tool. I was unloading a 5/8 thick 8′×4′ melamine board off my lifted truck and it landed on my big toe the whole board landed on my ONE big toe (I was stupid in not get someone to help me unload the boards) Instantly I dropped the board and went to the step which was three feet away and took off my shoe it felt like my big toe burst but it didn’t, it was already turning black and blue and swelling. I went to the dr. He had to remove the whole big toe nail. It was going to fall off anyways. It’s been three years and it’s almost all grown back.