I was working late one night drilling for tight joint fasteners in a series of countertops.You know, the type that go through the edge of the top and pull them together.Well I got tired and the spur of the 7/8" auger bit caught the edge
of my blue jean shorts and quickly wound them up and the bit was heading straight towards my leg.I panicked and pulled
back on the drill but the handle and the trigger are as one on this hole shooter!So I ended up tearing a large amount of
bluejean away while the drill was running with my bare hands so as to not impale
myself with an auger bit!!!
After that, I was done!

leg.I pulled the drill back away but the entire handle is the trigger on this drill!So I panicked

and ripped a huge amount of jean shorts off my body with the drill and my bare hands before the auger could run me through!!! I was
