I too, want to thank the "great Generation" for saving our freedom for us.  I  also have to thank all Veterans for serving us, before and after WW2.  It is just that in WW2 it was not just the people fighting overseas, it was all the women and men that could not go to war, that pulled together to produce the weapons and supplies that the troops needed.  America did not have the best weapons, the Germans invented  and used many things that we still use today.  They invented camo clothing, assault rifles,  the autobonn (Interstate) , and they had superior tanks, and in some cases planes.  But we had quantity.  The Sherman tank was one of least most effective on the battlefield, but we had an endless supply of them thanks to everyone pitching and doing their part.  And as a result it played a huge part of winning the war.  I fear that if anything of those proportions happened today, we would not have that drive to help and win....While there are still many many great soldiers, sailors and marines....there are too many that feel they are the victim of this of that....I hope I am wrong, but feel I am not. 
