I switched to Blender. It's free. It's ridiculously powerful. Models can look extremely realistic.

I tried a few different free 3D program and liked Blender the best.
It wasn't exactly made for CAD drawing, yet it works very well as such, in my opinion.

What's also great is, that there are countless tutorials on YouTube, including some that are specifically for those that want to use Blender like a CAD program.

I have realized my first project with it now, and can only say I'm in love... it was a bit of a steep learning curve, but once you get the basics down it all makes sense, and I find working with it a lot better than with SketchUp.

Last but not least, it works on any platform; it's not a browser based program though, no, you get a properly compiled download for your system (Linux, Mac, or Windows). And it runs super smooth, even on somewhat older computers.

I may sound like I am advertising for it, but it's a free program... so believe me, it's just pure excitement for having found a replacement for SketchUp, and one that turns out to be better in many ways.

Give it a shot: https://www.blender.org/

Here some examples: