Greetings, I am good with the prospect of new members. More the merrier is what I have been led to believe.

I can't say I really saw evil at LJ's as some apparently did. My biggest gripe is when people fix something that absolutely wasn't broken, just needed a little software tweak. They did burn it all down, gave a weak response, and acted like we were A hats for not falling in love with it. 

All of this push toward whatever Microshaft, Goofle, and Faceplant say is the "must" thing when it looks like another gizmo that is just gonna cost you $$$$$. I guess I don't see the need to move away from Caveman Internet. It works, leave it be, let the companies that think they can't survive without something absorb it. I ain't interested, just wanna click a mouse, and type some text. 

I am fine with a website that looks like a piece of paper with the pertinent crap listed, an occasional pic to show what they mean, it works. Having to be "slick" "glossy" and all the other expensive words really don't do anything to make the info contained any different. I don't see any need for hair jell, or other Male beauty products either. Comes down to it, is you are either good looking, or butt ass ugly, deal with it.