I should add:

For the number crunchers my Eye Muffs have a NRR of 33, which is the only way I have ever been able to asses if they are worth a chit for hearing protection. Using something in the range of 33 to 35 NRR (Noise Reduction Rating) is where you want to be, to stop damage from loud noise. I do see a lot of products using all manner of other numbers to suggest their product will protect your ears. What I am suggesting is to have them tell you a real life NRR, if they have crap to do with OSHA they have to have that information, or it becomes a lot like the word HEPA, it's used a lot more often than it's actually supplied. Not saying these Green tool ear buds aren't, but I haven't seen a NRR for them, do find that out before you buy. Generally an "ear plug" scores lower, and those "sweaty muffs" can score higher. 

In the end the info is out there, it's down to what you want to make of it. Shop hazards are real, protecting yourself from them is doable, and sometimes makers of "devices" sometimes use omission, and outright lies to sell their products. All of these are true, it's up to you to pick and choose.

Be safe, it's up to you to make that happen.