There are techniques and methods I am very good at, and others I am not. I’ve been in every aspect of woodworking and construction you can imagine since 1975. I currently run a custom shop that is booked through April of 2016 and possibly even further depending on tomorrow’s meeting. I’m really good at what I do, but I would never consider myself a “master”.

In my opinion, being able to pass on methods and techniques is a privilege. The men that taught me were passing on the skills they learned, and I try to do the same. Some of the people I’ve taught have gone on to become successful craftsmen, and I’m proud of that. But all I did was feed their talent. In order to keep our craft alive, we have to be willing teach what we know.

I’ve met a few master woodworkers over the years, and I always try to listen to them.

Artisan Woodworks of Texas-