Beware of routers. I was rushing to finish an order and had several 2.5" circles cut from 1/2" wood that I wanted to round over the edges. My router was mounted in a table so I thought no problem, just hold the wood down with my forefinger and turn it with the other hand. Of course the wood kicked out and my finger entered the bit. Lost most of the nail, a little bone and a lot of skin. After a trip to the ER and a few days later, I needed to finish the order so back to the shop where I discovered a spray of blood across the wall and pieces of my skin stuck to the router table. That is not conducive to creating an eagerness to begin. This time I used a 1" dowel with 2 finish nails in the end and the nails ground to a point. I could hold the wood down and turn it without getting close. Just goes to show that we should never get in a hurry. They told me that in about 20 yrs, I should get most of the feeling back in my finger but hasn’t happened yet.