Steven, lamination sure is an easy way around the weakened wood thing, and done with nicely contrasted woods, can be a looker. Most of the bent I know of, the jig was the work, the bend is heat, and place it in the jig, and clamp a little bit so it stays still, but the time and energy was mostly jig. Outside of whatever time you have the wood steaming, the actual bend is seconds, versus hours of getting the jig right. Lots of trial and error in many cases. I know the old guy I knew never did make a jig he totally approved of, and was constantly remaking his. 

Nathan yes then you can use a properly oriented slice, and have integrity in the wood, and still get a nice look. If I ever start making canes this is my method for sure. I think bent usually look like a freeway store item, but the multi piece look would be sold in stores where fine Mens clothing was hand tailored..... A much richer look IMHO. Your pic sort of proves it. :-)