A knife, or just something to thump with? I see stun canes, what an idea for a shocking greeting.

I would think handled like the one Nathan posted would easily allow a knife from handle to shaft, if you wanted swinging some lead would do wonders for thumpability. I suppose it might be a good idea to check on "legality" of such a cane in the area you reside. Even if the person getting thumped probably needs it, with all the goofy ordinances to "protect them" and give them rights you don't have, it could be you, rather than them getting into trouble.

Another good reason to call Ohio home, we don't have a majority of lawmakers that are crazy as a loon. Can't be said for some areas though.

Yeah a casted metal head on a heavy duty shaft could be a very nice looking cane, and play hell with a mugger/thugger

I peeked at this site, the Bavarian, and the Cutlery ones are regulation war implements. Most of the rest are pretty innocent looking. ZAPPpppppppp YEOW!!!!