Being so close to the Bay Area here in NorCal, we should have some epic yard sales out that way. I went to a couple with my FIL before he passed. He was a tool guy too. The Bay has a long and storied tradition of old school production. Especially during WWII, so there are lots of tools to be had down there and some of them are really good vintage. But, because a) It’s California and b) it’s the Bay Area of California the prices are too outrageous to make it worth while. 

I’d say it’s the thrill of the chase, but the couple times I went with him the crowds were thick and the people snobby/rude (which is, unfortunately, what 25 years of visiting there has taught me that place has become). It just wasn’t fun. I see eBay postings for stuff down there all the time that look just awesome, but not at the price they’re asking for…I guess they’re smart enough to know what the market for those vintage tools is whenyou’ve got world wide shipping! Woulda been a great place to be collecting tools 20 years ago though…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".