I've had good luck with Yonico bits from Amazon.   The most used ones are the upcut spiral bits for my CNC and they have stood up to bunch of use.    None of them have worn out and the only one that I broke was caused by a screw up.  I forgot to remove the touch plate and the bit broke but only after plunging all the way through the 3/8" aluminum touch plate.    I also have a rabbeting set, bullnose set and a couple of beading bits.  They don't see much use and they are still in like new condition.  No complaints about any of them.  One the other hand, after hearing so many people talk about how great the Amana  bits I bought one of their 1/4" spiral upcut bits  (or was it a Whiteside?)  and it was terrible.  It was smoking so badly on my CNC that I stopped the cut because I could actually see flame.  I put a Yonico bit in its place and completed the cut without any other issues.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.