Since I started this, I should probably comment too. I’ve got a medium sized set of crap bits I bought many years ago when I was getting started and didn’t know any better. Note: don’t buy ‘sets’. Buy what you need, when you need it. Or, start with a very small set from Whiteside or Amana or another high end mfg. it’ll hurt a bit, but usually those sets include bits you’ll actually use, and they’re high end. 

That said, I’ve replaced many of my most commonly used bits over time. Usually with Whiteside, which I’m very happy with, but they can be pricey if you get into a bigger profile. 

I’ve got Amana compression bits that I use in my Shaper Origin, and they do very well. But you do have to be careful of the speed or you’ll burn them up (as with any bit). 

Where I’m stuck is with the ‘nice to have’ bits within the crap set I have. They’re toast after just a couple uses, but I don’t want to replace them with more crap…nor spend the $$ for high end bits that I wont use much. I’ve seen Yonico come up commonly as a bit that might fit that bill, but I don’t own any. 

The other thing I think is worth mentioning is sharpening: for bits that have a flat cutter (like some profiling bits), they can be spruced up pretty easily with a diamond card. Just lightly file the flat cutting face. It works really well to keep lower quality bits cutting cleanly. 

I was doing a practice build for a hidden box hinge yesterday using a 1/2” round nose bit (that’s a crappy one from the set). It wasn’t terribly dirty/gummy, but wasn’t cutting very clean. A few passes with a 300g diamond card, then 600g and it made a real difference. 

Anyway, the purpose of this thread is to look at those mid-class bits and maybe post some info to help folks make choices in that class. I know the small profile bits are cheap enough to buy Whiteside or something similar, but it would be nice to have a feel for what works for those larger profile ($$) bits. 

Anyone used Rockler’s bits? Know anything about them?

How about American Eagle?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".