funny thing about our flowers this year  -   I decided to NOT plant as many hanging baskets and just do a couple because of the watering regimen.
So anyway, we were given a hanging basket gift early this summer and wouldn't you know a House Finch and her hubby decided to make it home for 2 clutches .   We were able to watch progress on a daily basis but every time we ventured to the porch for an evening glass of wine or a beer, that just raised hell because we were out there. 
They eventually got over it and allowed us to spend a little time on the porch enjoying the evening.  It's really neat to watch the 'babies' flex their wings and finally take off.  it was quite the experience for us  TWICE in one summer. 
Anyway, here's a picture of our 'wild' Hibiscus  -  It's not quite caught up to summer yet but it's well on it's way.
The green at the flag pole base is the Tiger Lillies that have long ago bloomed and there should be a rabbit right in the middle of them.   We watched him come out and actually stretch his legs and go eat grass then later come back and crawl back in .  Linda said all was good until the ping petunias start disappearing  ??