Hey Lazyman,

One question though: I had initially been looking at using a pipe with a 0.5” ID for the axle of the flip top. When I took a pair of calipers to the 12AWG extension cord I had lying around, they read as like 0.425” give or take. That’s a relatively tight fit in the tube, probably doable but definetly pushing it. But im guessing a 10AWG is likely to not fit through that hole?

As it is, I’m looking at designing my table in a way where I’d maybe use a cutout slot instead of the T junction that Fisher’s design uses to route the wire into the tabletop. In a smaller ID pipe, that would mean cutting away a larger portion of the circumference and thus weakening the pipe more. So I’m thinking of either switching to the T junction solution he used, or going 12AWG wire in the 0.75” ID hole so that I’m removing only about 35% of the circumference to make an opening, as opposed to nearly 50%