When planing smaller stock, having it a little higher is not a big deal but for long and heavy pieces, you typically want it a little lower to make it easier to manage and control as you slide it -- you want to be able to comfortably hold stock down on the table. I think that you would want the bed to be at about the same height that you find is comfortable working at a workbench with hand planes. You would typically bend over a little so that you can use your upper body to hold stock down but not so low that your back would start to hurt if you were doing it for a while. I think that on most full sized jointers the bed would probably be about 31-34" above the ground, which my workbench happens to fall. I don't have a full sized jointer to measure but that is about what I remember.
--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.