I'm a developer. Well, I used to develop a lot but now I have people who do must of it. I don't think $200 is outrageous. It might feel like a bit much but knowing what I know about how the tool works and what is involved in the software, they literally had to touch almost everything in order to get auto pass to work correctly. I also know they will be upgrading it next year sometime to include pocket cuts (that's an even harder task). Even box joint basics (which is also an extension) had to be updated to deal with auto pass. It was a ground up deal so I know the code was extensive. The hours had to have been in the thousands or more. I think they would probably sell more with a lower price but I'm not fluent with how many machines have been sold or other demographics/marketing data so maybe $200 was the price for good reason. 

It was a huge project, no doubt. For the people that think it should be free then Shaper Tools won't be around long if they did that. It's not like people buy new tools annually like cell phones. Also, cell phones are a commodity, literally everyone on the planet is a potential customer. Not so for the Origin. 

Like I said, I'm sure I will end up with it but I just haven't spent the cash yet. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ