Precision protractor

Vintage US Army Corps of Engineers precision protractor.  I was an army engineer officer a million years ago, but don't recall seeing one of these, maybe they thought it was too sophisticated for me, and they would have been correct.

Reads +-30 minutes angle in 1 minute increments, far more than I might have needed; those artillery guys would need this kind of precision.   

Good condition, velvet lined case is fair, latches not secure.  The arm measures 10" from the pivot point.  Great for you guys who measure and cut to precision.  I got this in a box of tools from a surgeon's estate, and have no need for it. 

$20, $12 shipping.  Would prefer not to ship outside the US. 

Carey Mitchell

A beautiful piece. I’m sure one of the metal fab guys will jump on it!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".