I picked up a pretty nice 2nd hand Gast vacuum pump on the relatively cheap a few years back through FBM, along with vacuum chucks and manifolds and gauges for my lathe. It works well as long as I get a good seal between the piece and vacuum chuck. I do not use it that often, but when I do, my biggest complaint is that the Gast pump is not exactly quiet. It is not really loud either but the droning can get a little annoying when using it for longer lengths of time. It is always a relief to turn it off after use and I might actually use it more often if not for the droning. I was wondering if a venturi vacuum generator with my 10 gal. CA Air compressor might be a little less annoying and still effective. Of course, the compressor may cycle on occasionally too but it is pretty quiet as compressors go. I am also thinking about using vacuum clamping fixtures for things such as my CNC machine, vacuum chambers and maybe even some vacuum press applications at some point which both can to be longer running than turning on the lathe.
I am looking for impressions, experience, pros and cons, etc. related to both vacuum generations methods. A couple of basic questions I have are how much air it actually takes from the compressor to maintain a maximum vacuum? Is my 10 gall vacuum so small that it may cycle on every few minutes or what? I recognize that how good your seal is and that different applications and fixtures will make a difference how often the compressor has to cycle on but I am just trying to get sort of a relative idea. Not sure that the CNC is really right for vacuum system like that. Many of those that I have seen actually use suction (shop vac or DC) rather than vacuum so may require more volume than other more localized vacuum based work holding. The difference I suppose is that that on vacuum based fixtures, once you establish the vacuum and you get a good seal, it does not take much extra to hold them. The suction based approach, to be more of a brute force work holding and the suction has to be high and constant because you often do not have a complete seal.
Any thoughts?