Desk with hidden compartment


SO my friends mom was looking for a desk, he suggested to let me build it so bam there I go.

She had a pic of a desk she liked:

I asked how big she wanted it and went to building. She did not ask for the hidden compartment, that was just a bonus. My main idea was to have a pedal on the bottom with a cable that that runs up the leg to activate a release for the keyboard tray to open further revealing the hidden compartments. So i started by building the legs.

I made them out of 2 1×2 pieces of wood, this is the before and after running them thru the planer, i love that thing!!

Once the legs were made i put the back side together, you notice the tube that runs up the leg for the wire.

Once the back was assembled I put the front legs on and the front support.

I then started the tray for the keyboard, i cut a slot in it, this allows the drawer to open so far with the pin in place, one the pin is up the draw will slide out the whole way.

I then framed the inside for the large keyboard tray, and installed the rails to test it. I made a front lip for it too.

Once that was done i made the outer drawers and installed the rails and started touch up work.

So my idea for the hidden compartment was letting me down. The wire was not resetting its self as i had hoped, it would open the pin but not drop back down, then i tried fishing line, it semi worked but since it expands it would take a while to open, but would reset fine. I thought this can not last long what if it breaks. So back to the drawing board. Then bam it hit me levers!! So i made the foot pedal, and made a little tray inside to hold a wood lever, this was attached with a single straight shot wires as opposed the the original design that had 3 90 degree bends in it, this work fantastic, responded right away, and reset its self right away, and since it is wood, it would last as long as the desk. So I was done.

Then it was off to the paint booth, she has other desk so i painted it to match the others.

This is the back, the tube for the wire runs inside that center support

This is the keyboard tray open to locked position.

and this is the keyboard open to full unlocked position

And this is a video of the action

Great table. Great video as well. I am currently making a set of night tables with a hidden compartment. It has enough storage for a couple of hand guns. Keep up the great work and thanks for posting.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Great project. Love your design

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks guys. I am trying new things with the unlocking will keep yall posted!

Yes keep us updated & thanks for sharing.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Here is a few pics of my hidden compartment night tables

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!