stanley plane parts compatibility


Does anyone here and I’m sure one of you might know what parts you might or might not be able to mix and match among stanley handplanes ? Such for example if I had a sole from a jointer plane could I use a frog from a smoother? if I didn’t have the parts in front of me to compare how could I know.
See a lot of good deals on ebay and flea markets for parts I’m not looking for collector pcs I want to make users out of them. don’t want to get stuck with somthing totally unusable or not have a reasonable idea what I can or can’t use for somthing. Would appreciate any advice .

Mark DellaCamera

There is some cross compatibility. 4s and 5s can share frogs, blades, and caps; same for 6 and 7. I believe 2 and 3 are the same but don’t quote me on that. There are others like a 10 I think borrows a frog and cap from a 4 but you’d have to modify a blade from a 6. That’s about all I know.

That helps I’m trying to get a jointer and they’re really pricey I was hoping to put one together from parts I’ve refinished a couple of old planes and I’ll use them but I enjoy the challenge of bringing old tools back from the dead I’ve had a few basket cases that I cleaned up and are in as good a shape as when new you can’t beat the old tools the steel alone seems like it holds an edge better and they seem more durable also

Mark DellaCamera

If it’s the same width blade, the parts should be interchangeable except possibly the knob and tote.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and