Small project ideas

Guessing we all have enough "extra pieces" (also known as scrap wood) that need to be used rather than tossed.  Interested to see what type of projects everyone has. 

I'll start with my business cards.  Only limited by one's imagination.  😉

64 Replies

Trivets are another option
Getting errors when trying to add pictures 😕

 Hmmm...cannot edit to add any pictures.  
trivets are great simple projects for scraps,and who couldn't use one or two.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I call these wine pour holders.  2 1/2" square for the small one, 2 1/2 high about 7-8" long.  The top and bottom is press fit with a little glue.  The stem on the wine pour is less than 1/8" in dia.  I just drill a hole 1/8" in the center.  I use a miter sled to wrap the grain.  WOP finish.  I made about 1 dz of the small ones and finish them off If i need a gift.  BB1 there is real cool material in my cut off bins!


My wife is a fan of "cheese cutters"  I get the hardware from Woodcraft....
You really need a drum sander, to segment.   Then the hardest part is drilling the hole in the center, but I use a "dowel it" for great.


Mike - here is a really good source for your cheese cutter supplies. I made a bunch of these one year. I'm almost certain that these are the same exact kits that Woodcraft sells. You can also purchase misc. parts to have on hand in case a recipient needs one or if something goes wrong. Your cutters are beautiful! Definitely a cut above.
simple box,no hinges, no hardware.   2 1/2" tall,  6-7 inches long by 3 inches wide.   Wall thickness is 1/4".    Top is supported by the cross slats.   Pushing down on either end of the top raises the other end or lift it up.     Kids like them.    easy to make.    These are variable size slightly due to the piece of wood made from.   Did not bother to make them all exactly the same.  Coat of wipe on poly.  


A little bench for figurines 
Petey - your cutoffs look to be top level!  Nice gifts.

Moke and MN - cheese cutters are another nice gift.  

Ron - nice and simple.   Great gifts for kids to store treasures.

Corelz125 - I remember this project. Looks perfect for the purpose.
One of these was more for a custom need not a useful gift. One has a small notch for setting thin set for tile. Two wood floats for masonry work. The handles are Sapele and the base is Ipe. Got them nice and flat on the jointer and being wet a lot and not worry about warping it was a good way to use Ipe scraps. 
Corelz125- those turned out great.  I've never worked with either wood type.
Thanks BB Ipe can be a pain to work with.
More Trivets, and they are adjustable.

Mahogony, Cherry and Oak. I have to give credit to Lazyman!

Barb, thanks for posting the business card holders.

Main Street to the Mountains

Eric - those look really neat.  I need a video to see how they go from "open" to "closed"!!
Barb, they just slide apart, and if you goo to far they come apart. All of the pieces are the same length cut at 60*  If I can get my photos organized (that is a task in itself) I'll post them as a project.

Main Street to the Mountains

Eric - maybe I could get my mind around it if they were apart?  🤔 Maybe I'm too tired tonight to see it! 🙄  
Glad I refound the site.   Marked it to follow so this old brain will not have to remember.


I had to have been either a lot sicker, or still in the hospital when this got posted. Generally I just play with threads on the front page, and why this didn't get bigger legs to stay there I am not sure? Great thread Barb. So many uses for smalls, and who has never cut up a big board and NOT had plenty of smalls from it?? Anyhow great thread, and a wonderful idea post. Thanks to all who added pics, many great ideas here. I plan to keep bumping this thread along to keep it on the front page, bound to get some additions that way, and if this thread grows it has potential. 

NATHAN, where are you at. Eric has left the building, and he did so before he added pics, HELP in Aisle 5 please, need help in aisle 5.
Nathan's project on LJ's

And there is a fairly good build vid on You Tube by Handlebar Workshops