Yard sale find a few years ago. Mechanically in good shape. A good lube and it's ready to go.
I got started removing the paint, then had to put it away for a while. I used a can of spray carburetor cleaner to remove what little paint I did remove. I don't want to spend that much $. I don't want to hurt the OEM paint. I think the silver paint is oil based, probably contains lead. Appears to be painted many years ago.
It's a weird little lathe. 1 speed only. It came with a 4 jaw chuck, faceplate, tapered shaft and a lathe dog.
The previous owner was a jeweler, this sat for many years after he retired. It got a lot of use as a buffer.
Any help with paint removal is greatly appreciated.
I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch