question about forum

Trying to understand this software and not sure where to ask?

But, when I log in and click on the Forum Link at the top of the page it pulls up a list of topic.  How are they sorted?  Is the newest/latest activity first or it sorted some other way?

I like to see the newest posts from all the subs rather than have to go through each one.

Welcome kud'....

For Projects, latest,

Forums I believe are displayed in latest comment first (in list format)... Blogs are similar but in icon format.

To get to the bottom of a blog with many replies, click on the bell (shoulf go solid), refresh the page and you'll be presented with the last 20 comments... next time you'll be presented with unread ones only at the bottom.

To quote in a reply, Highlight what you wan't to quote (can inlude the user's avatar), paste it into the reply area and select all text, then hit the quote icon

and hit enter twice... you can then type your comment.

If you're familiar with Lumberjocks, "Favourites" are treated using "likes" (Projects only), hit thumbs up (1) and to get to your likes list, hit your avatar (2)

and select "My likes"

You can also set up your personal collection (though viewable by all)

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

click on the bell (should go solid), 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD