CNNP Sheoak Coasters

5 entries

1 CNNP Sheoak Coasters second

After reaading all the good constructive comments I decided to continue on with my Drink Coaster project But first I need to acknowledge, (wait for...

2 Surface Finishs

I got the disc sander going again and 60 Grit  the coasters and timbermate. I then switched back to the half sheet sander for 80 120 and 240 grit...

3 Polishing my Wood

Now here is some interesting information for you the interesting indented growth rings are commonly referred to as Hazelwood. This unusual characte...

4 my attempt to be a "shipwright"

Then look I had disillusionary thoughts after seeing some of shipwrights work  I could replicate a table. Its the same table I attempted to "copy" ...

5 CNNP Coaster meet the CBHS Table

OK after making template to use for inserting the She-Oak into the table top I removed the clamps and continued. [IMG_3153.JPG] I used a stand off...