Traditional Portuguese Rajao

12 entries

1 A little history and some test pieces.

I found this article in the Spring 2023 issue (number 148) of American Lutherie. According to the article, this is an instrument that was one of th...

2 Design nearly complete and first set of templates

The design for this project is mostly complete. Just need to add the action layout to the setup layer but that can wait until much later. I got a r...

3 First Stage Neck Work

Assembled and roughed-out the neck. Material is reclaimed Tulip and Black Walnut [IMG_2579.jpeg][IMG_2580.jpeg][IMG_2581.jpeg][IMG_2582.jpeg][IMG_2...

4 Preliminary Neck and Head Shaping

First thing was to glue the head veneer to the head. This is a solid piece of Black Walnut about 1/8" thick.[IMG_2588.jpeg] Once the glue dried, I ...

5 Mold, Center Strip and Sides

Been a while since the last update.  I went a little crazy last week and picked up a Jet 1020 thickness sander. The local supplier had it on a cle...

6 Fixture setup and sides

Jig Setup I set up the assembly fixture using the body template, and fixed the neck position.  [IMG_2612.jpeg][IMG_2613.jpeg] Check the Side Fit ...

7 Back lining installed, Back & Braces

Installed the linings for the back panel and sanded flush to the sides. Laser cut the back panel and all the braces. When I get my 120 grit sand pa...

8 Back Panel

Back panel glued-up and trimmed flush to the sides. [IMG_2634.jpeg][IMG_2635.jpeg][IMG_2637.jpeg] Installed soundboard lining and sanded flush to t...

9 Soundboard

The soundboard is Master Grade Sitka Spruce. Came in rough at about 3/16" thick. I glued the book matched halves together the cut out the oversized...

10 Soundboard finished and installed

Fitted the braces and reinforcing ring to the inside of the soundboard. [IMG_2648.jpeg][IMG_2650.jpeg] Fitted the soundboard to the body. I suppose...