L/W: It would seem like we are heavy into snacking, doesn’t it? Rarely are all four used, anymore. The wife and I lost a lot of weight over the past year, so they aren’t filled with home baked cookies or heavy snacks, to speak of. Another good reason for keeping the racks at two jars. We will probably want to relocate the racks to different locations in the future.

Sometimes I am really cheap, instead of being frugal. I was raised in a way that ingrains this. Of course, I only have so much money to work with, the life-long referee in this matter. Basically, I sincerely enjoy taking junk and making something useful out of it. Does that make me a junky? :D

Using this crapwood to prototype gives it a final chance at being useful. I have to pay to get rid of wood—can’t burn within the city limits—so helps a lot to get another shot at using it before I do. I can concentrate on the process without a thought to damaging good wood. Of course, this doubles the time to build a project, so I only do this when I know I’m not clear on the dimensions or design.