i didn't say up front all that happened with this sad story. he had two brothers which i knew both.his one that lived about 100 miles from me,we kept in constant touch sharing what we knew what was going on with him. then i get a call from his wife in tears telling me his his brother had a heart attack and died ! he was out hunting with a friend and decided to take a break,he sat down on a log and fell on the ground dead ! i was beside myself ! then a little while later his wifes sister suddenly died ! wow,im thinking im over whelmed ! i cant even imagine what she went through in a years time. cherish life and live everyday guys.you dont know when it will be your last !

this a pic i took about 35 years ago of him and me fishing the sierras. i sometimes give the pic a tap as i leave the storeroom of my shop !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.