 commented about 8 hours ago 
..... my sander would crap out and I'd be left with 50 feet of idle jig-ness (story of my life).

So you're trying to tell me that if your sander crapped out, you'd spend the rest of your life without a replacement.. I think NOT!

 commented about 7 hours ago 
yeah way too much work.ill just buy the pre cut ones ducks. nice tutorial though.

Spoken like a woodie that either,
  • Never changes their paper cause the either have trouble with those end gadgets or just too lazy.
  • Have a reliable supply of pre-cut paper on demand.
  • Get an employee discount from their boss.

You don't need this jig to cut from bulk... it just makes it a tad easier... and most people usually toss their old paper out or canbibalise it for other processes which kinda interferes with their template potential... and the only template available is the one on the sander which they,
  • Never changes their paper cause the either have trouble with those end gadgets or just too lazy. 
  • Have a reliable supply of pre-cut paper on demand.
  • Get an employee discount from their boss.

With individual prices here in Aussieland, the savings are much greater, however, with me it was more about availability than the shekels. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD