Hi Martin,
Cliff from Australia.   I love the CRAFTISIAN site.  Its really great.  I was hoping you could help me please.
I somehow put myself twice on CRAFTISIANS.  On the members list my name CLIFF OLSEN appears with a photo of a Family Dog and a project I had posted.

But on my profile my full name CLIFF OLSEN appears with a picture of a bowl of apples.   This is the picture I am using for my profile.
Martin, is it possible for the members list to have my real profile picture with the Bowl of apples to appear.
Also could the project be transferred to my profile page as a project.

One other request if I may.  How do I send a Private Message????  I have tried everything but no luck.
Thank you Martin, It would be very much appreciated if you could assist me.

Kind regards......Cliff Olsen.