Yes Ducky, the CNC only saves time cutting out, and ensures accuracy if your programing is right ..... but all the design, trialing, cutting time etc, etc is still there! I spent a few days with Len doing this, but he did most by himself.  The baubles earrings etc came to A$197 around US$135 for the whole lot for 6 trees, and that included postage! AliExpress is cheap, cheap, cheap!  They are also good for smallish pieces of exotic timbers.

MsDebbieP, the trauma of 144 drawers ………… not hard, or difficult, but boring and time consuming.  Len did the working out of how best to fit the pieces to the sheets of ply we had, then he then over saw the cutting of all 740 pieces. I had the task of cleaning up and gluing together the majority of the drawers.  So cleaning off the smoke stain from 740 pieces.  Around 300 of which were covered with transfer tape, as some ply wasn’t good laser ply.  So, Len covered a face with transfer tape to prevent the smoke stain.  That meant the transfer tape needed peeling off, another big job as it tended to tear at the corners of the finger joints requiring 3 or 4 attempts.  Jigs to make to aid the glue-up, then cleaning up 864 outside surfaces once the drawers were glued up.  Then gluing on the fronts to 144 drawers ................. 

A set of drawer pieces, and a spare 'present' drawer.

A jig for gluing up the drawers - there were 5 of them!  Lots of clamps and rubber bands were used !