Thanks, gents!

 Ron Stewart
 commented 25 minutes ago
That looks like a good solution once it’s in place, but I’m having trouble understanding how you’re going to attach the planer and other tool to the rotating platform.

If I’m following your description, you have to bolt both tools to the platform and trap their cords between the hubs’ inner and outer parts before dropping the hub/platform assembly onto the cart. That sounds awkward. Or am I just not understanding?

Ron, I have a couple ideas on how I'll do that, but where I'm currently leaning is to initially attach the tools without routing the cables.  Once the tools are mounted, I'll temporarily raise and support the platform on one end so I can slide off the PVC ring, route the cables into position, slip the ring back on, and then drop the hub back into it its cradle.  We'll see if that works in practice.  Otherwise, I can route the cables before I attach the tools to the platform, as long as I can keep the tools nearby, within the range of their cord lengths.