Thanks Pottz!

Thanks, Nathan! I was going to make one, but the project list got long enough that I just bought one when they had a sale.

Thanks, Splint! I actually use a 5 blade modern razor (from Harry’s) but I find that using a shaving brush and glycerine soap stands my beard up better. On the road I have a double-edge travel razor and a travel shaving brush that work well, though the first day going back to the double-edge razor, I’ll usually nick myself a few times.

Thanks, Eric! They’re pretty easy to do as long as you’re starting with square stock and have some wood the same thickness as your table-saw kerf.

Thanks, Tom! I like that one, but the pernambuco and I weren’t getting along great that day.

Thanks, Mike! That’s the first and second one I’ve ever done.

Thanks, Jeff!

May you have the day you deserve!