Miscellaneous Small Turnings

I took some time off from bigger projects in the shop lately to play with my lathe.

Pictured above, from left to right:

  • A eucalyptus and ash shaving brush. The brush is silvertip badger, and is pretty nice. The eucalyptus was cut and the kerfs replaced with pieces of ash microlumber the same size as the kerf of my table saw, and then I turned the resulting piece to make a Celtic knot. This was the second shaving brush I made in the past week.
  • A russian olive bottle stopper / pourer. This was the third of three bottle stoppers I made. I had a little fun with the shape, trying to enhance the look of the grain of the wood.
  • A maple and pernambuco bottle stopper / pourer. My second of the three, and first attempt at a two ring celtic knot. The pernambuco tends to chip out if I’m not super-careful in my turning. Lesson learned…
  • A maple bottle stopper / pourer. This was my first attempt, and I was mostly concerned with getting the hole for the stopper the right depth. I decorated the maple a bit with a Henry Taylor Decorating Elf which uses a spiral bit to make different patterns depending the angle you hold it in relation to the moving wood on the lathe. I also used some markers to add black and red rings.
  • A mimosa shaving brush. My first attempt, and I didn’t get too fancy, just letting the wood do the talking. I think it came out pretty well. Mixing the very small amount of epoxy needed (about 7.5ml total) to glue in the metal cap and the knot of the brush is tricky, but I did discover that if I wax the wood really well first, it’s easier to clean any slop off afterwards.

May you have the day you deserve!


all nice stuff dave.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Very nice.  I made a similar spiral texturing tool after watching a Mike Peace video a couple of years ago.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Perfect lathe projects Dave, you must do a lot of straight razor shaving!
Nicely done Dave, really like the Celtic Knots.

Main Street to the Mountains

Very nice turnings, I especially like the maple bottle stopper in the middle with the X design.
Nice stuff Dave.  You have got the Celtic Knots down!


Thanks Pottz!

Thanks, Nathan! I was going to make one, but the project list got long enough that I just bought one when they had a sale.

Thanks, Splint! I actually use a 5 blade modern razor (from Harry’s) but I find that using a shaving brush and glycerine soap stands my beard up better. On the road I have a double-edge travel razor and a travel shaving brush that work well, though the first day going back to the double-edge razor, I’ll usually nick myself a few times.

Thanks, Eric! They’re pretty easy to do as long as you’re starting with square stock and have some wood the same thickness as your table-saw kerf.

Thanks, Tom! I like that one, but the pernambuco and I weren’t getting along great that day.

Thanks, Mike! That’s the first and second one I’ve ever done.

Thanks, Jeff!

May you have the day you deserve!

They are all nice but the two ring celtic knot (middle one) is my favorite! Cool project!

No name noobie here

Those are all great, Dave! Like others have said, the knots are my favorites.
Those are great! I really like the Celtic knots. I did a couple for some candle sticks, they’re fun! Where did you get the badger hair insert for the brush?? I could use a new one and might as well make something cool like you did!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".


Like those C'k's... though you'll have the WOKE brigade on your tail if those as badger bristles.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Good stuff here Dave you did a good job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Like them all.   Nice detail to the items.   


Thanks, Steve!

Thanks, YRTi! It was a nice diversion from other projects that haven’t been going as smoothly.

Thanks, Ron!

Ryan, this is the silvertip badger insert I used. They also have less expensive versions, but the silvertip is luxurious. I also bought the chrome mounting cup which looks a lot better than mounting directly to the wood, I think.

Thanks, Ducky. Please keep the political comments off my projects.

Thanks, Oldrivers!

Thanks, Ron!

May you have the day you deserve!

Great work Dave. I have yet not tried a celtic knot. That first one is a 10 plus.
Thanks, Dave! I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to nail it first time out.

May you have the day you deserve!

Dave - nice looking work!! Still trying to get back to my lathe to get some practice time on it.
Thanks, Earl! Good luck getting some time with the spinny thing go fast!


May you have the day you deserve!