
Very nice reproduction Ron, as typical for your work, but do you find any benefit to using this versus a hand held brace? 

As mentioned above, I have four braces; this one with a 3/8-inch bit for hinge cleats and till lids, one with a gimlet for snipe hinges, one with a counter sink, and one for various auger bits (usually fitted with a 1/4-inch bit for drawbore pegs). I don't spend a lot of time changing bits... LOL!

The drill press is easier in that there is no need to change bits, set up a sacrificial board, or worry about clamps and such. Plus, I get a perfect 90° bore. I could simply use a hand-held brace, but where’s the fun in that? LOL!

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor