Thaks all for looking and the kind words.

 Kel Snake
Hmm, mistakes, some of my best lessons, lol
MY problem is I don't seem to learn... A lot of my posts are long as I try to mention process including my mistakes... I remember one of my projects at LJ where nearly 1/2 of the blog was about the same mistake I repeated about 4 (or 5) times... on the same part... same project...

 commented about 7 hours ago
This one is new to me. Glad to see a puzzle duck here. 

I'm only posting my new project here at Craftisian.

.... I feel western vibes than Japanese from looking at them.... 
I should have called it ウエスタンバイブス迷路ボックスパズル

.... If you apply your 'finish' to timber first and then use the laser, would you get sharper edges on the cut? ...
The edges are "crystal clear" sharp with or without covering media ... I say media instead of finish as that includes masking tape.  I depend on depth of engraving (number of passes) to permit sufficient fill and still sand to remove the Timbermate dark stain in the timber. 
Because of the interest shown in laser/CNC, I am working on a blog on my engrave/fill process. 

....  have you found a 'finish' that doesn't 'burn'?  ....

What I refer to as "char" from the engraving, I believe it is actually fumes, soot and molten resin from the burning away of the wood/MDF.  Masking the wood with special laser masking tape will prevent that... but then I'm faced with the task of removing small bits of tape that are left from non engraved bits inside the perimeter.  Though sanding could remove it.

I always mask acrylic.

....   just wipes ebonising fluid in, but the Timbermate is no looking better on a pre finished surface.......

I like the Timbermate fill, as at the end of the exercise... I finish up with a flat surface across the timber and infill (sort of... that's what the proposed blog will cover).

A lot of issues can be removed by using inlays instead of filler,

My infill method (as is at the moment) is not too good for endgrain... too grainy and filler stains much deeper.

I haven't been too experimental, as most of my engravings are just for fun and not designed to be works of art like yours and WBW creations.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD