Thanks all for you your comments.  I do have some cabinets in the shop held by french cleats, but this is my first foray into using them for individual tools.  I like the freedom of being able to make an appropriate hanger and then later work out where to put it.

 commented about 14 hours ago
Great design RL...  Love the use/versatility of French cleats.

What sized screws did you use? I'd be terrified to walk under that weight,
LBD - I did not hang the cleats on the pegboard, if that's what you're thinking.  I used 2-1/2" Spax construction screws through the 1/4" pegboard and into the stud wall behind, so there's 1-1/2" of the screws into the studs.  

 commented about 12 hours ago
you cant beat a french cleat system for versatility. it's funny thought that you mounted it on top of peg board !

I put pegboard in its place - as a substrate.  Who knows, maybe I'll pop in few hooks in the pegboard for things like rulers or levels.

 Ron Stewart
 commented about 10 hours ago
Looks good, Ross. You’ve done a great job of preserving horizontal space here.

I suspect you’re going to lose more sleep thinking up all sorts of cool tool hangers for those cleats.

You're right about that.  Any time I'm teasing out a solution to a problem, it's hard to quiet my mind when I go to bed.

Luckily, I knocked out a holder for my spring clamps yesterday evening, so my brain cache was empty at the end of the day.