Building a Frame to cover the black laminate and go over the sides and bottom.

It's kicking my butt, for something so simple.
When I was edge banding the bottom edge, I didn't take into account the little register roller that rides along the top,
(it registers the beginning and end of the panel) and sends a signal for the guillotine to cut banding flush with the front and back ends. Unfortunately, the wheel registered on every slot and tried to dig holes into the walnut panel.

@ approx. 180 bucks a sheet for walnut, 
I wasn't going to go buy another sheet. 
So I cut the damaged part off the panel and glued on a new piece (that I edge banned before hand.)

Unfortunately,  (for various reasons/excuses), I didn't get the parts flush enough and when I was sanding it was too much to take off without sanding through the veneer.  So,  off to get a new sheet.... Nope, 
cut that bad part off again and started over with adding the new strip. 
And here it is in the picture.  All looks good and I think there will be no problems sanding tomorrow.

Lately it seems like I make more mistakes on the easy stuff. I guess I'm not giving it as much attention as I need to.
I have to try harder.

Here is a rough SU of the whole frame.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.