I am at this moment Standing in front of my computer screen, at attention, saluting you, SIR.  That is amazing.  One of my favorite movies, although, if some one wants to get a feel of the cramped quarter and hardtimes on ships
those day I think the movie "Master and Commander" does more justice to it.  However, I salute you because you completed something, that I started even before you did that is a very small part of that ship and I have still not finished it nor with the life I have left, will I.   This is how far I got on the simple project of the "boat" they put Captian Bligh and small crew on when they mutinied. It is just one of the boats sitting on your ship.  I am ashamed.   Congratulations on the build.. It has to rank up there with the most difficult hobbies right along with marquetry.  this is how far I got.