Those records must be worth a small fortune.... and this little priceless project of yours has probably raised their value by quite a few shekelsguilders euros!
I tried to price the timber here in Victoria, it's so expensive it's not listed on the internet site and one has to phone and negotiate a cost.
It's a shame you had to electrocute your specimen before carving up,
You have a good taste in clamps... must admit those vario style are great and worth those few extra shekels,
You did a good job on the legs... must be the new Laguna... did you do anything special (jigs, templates) to make them uniform... or are they totally different shape and the pictures are photo-shopped?
Damn, if I knew about these, I might not have bought my Domino... I bought it because of their breakdown hardware.
If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD