Did you harvest the wood yourself?  I'm sitting on a mountain of live edge cherry from a tree in my woods that died at the end of last summer (I think).  I was able to haul everything out worth getting with my ATV & log arch, then onto the mill.  Since I don't know exactly when it died (made fragile by large larvae then top broke off in a wind storm), I have no idea if the bark will remain adhered or peel away.  Thus far, most of it seems to be well adhered with some sections letting the bark almost fall off.  My biggest concern is less with bark security and more with bugs.  This has all been sprayed with Tim-bor professional as I air dry my wood so sterilization with a kiln hasn't happened.

The box looks fantastic and if you were to establish some kind of affiliate link with Lee Valley I can imagine that would be quite beneficial for you both!