I hope I didn't say 200 a month....I make about 200 a year...actually not quite that 190 something last year....I make about 20 to 25 per run and ruin a one to three a run....actually half of the time, it's the blanks....this last run I have 5 blanks that were just plain ugly.....and had like fisheye looking thing in them. I make about 10 runs per year. I roll the problems into the next run.
I do sell some, but not a bunch...its by word of mouth only. I do get more per pen than that....for a patrizio I get 60.00. The Jr Gent or Nouvo Scpetre I get 95.00. I have black card board boxes with my Pen name on them. This last batch I just used a Black/Gold 3/4" Label tape. I give them to doctors....they show them to other Drs. and I get requests that way. I sell probably 1/2 of what I make. But I "seed" the waters by giving them away.....I might break even...maybe....but let me tell you I am known to my Dr's by the pens I give them. I think it helps the care I get....