A Few More Pens

I am going to post a few from earlier from this year.  These are some of the higher end kits and also proof that I have and can turn wood. 
Pen #1 is a Nouvo Sceptre Kit.  I like these kits from Penn State...they are expensive but nice
Pen #2 is a Burl on a simple cigar frame
Pen #3 Walnut Sap on a Churchill Frame
Pen #4 Is a Jr Gent. This is an older photo from 6 years ago or so...the watch was a gift I got from a Wealthy friend.  I always sent him        something I made for his birthday.....I sent him this pen for his collection with this photo to thank him again fro the watch.
Pen #5 Is a pin stripe blank that  I had made with some help.  It is pic guard mounted on a 3d printed holder then the blue material poured around it.  This is about my fifth attempt at it.  I had 4 failures prior.  I had the 3d frame made by a friend then I had the pour from another friend.  It required a pressure pot to set up in and I do not have one.
Pen #6 is a figured Maple on a Jr Gent frame.  As I have mentioned before I am never going to do CA finishes again...I know a lot of you like CA, but I believe it does not age well and is not durable.  This blank is my first I used WOP on what I call a spit.  It is very similar to a chicken spit in that it spins at about 20 RPM and prevents drips from forming.  It has 5 coats, and then buffed on a Beall Buff.  It takes 3 or 4 days...so it is not a quick solution but has great depth and very hard.

Thanks for looking...I am going to back off on showing for a while.



Some great looking pens Mike.

Main Street to the Mountains

beautiful pens mike, and the pic's are perfect. i wish i could take better pic's. i agree about the CA as a finish, i dont really like it. it's an adhesive not really a finish. hey dont back off too long with the eye candy buddy.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice pens buddy. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Beauts Mike!
The fancy hardware can really make them unique, but I'm sure most would never step up until they had a lot of confidence.
Very impressive pens, made impressive by the nice work you put into them.   


Eric--Thank you

Pottz-Thanks-I have to be in the right frame of mind to set all of it up for the photos...but it is what I did for 43 years....

Ryan-Thanks Buddy!

Splint-Is it confidence or just plain crazy?  Thank you---I like making the high end pen

Ron-Thank you  Most have a lot of effort in them...I often wonder how many have been lost???  Just like the Weddings I used to do every weekend...I often wonder how many of them lasted and how many of the albums got tossed after a break up...


you mentioned you were or are? making about 200 a month. im sure they wern't all given away. were you able to make any money? ive done at least several hundred over the years. id sell em at work but rarely got more than 20 bucks for one. but i wasn't making high end ones, mostly slim, cigar or kits that cost under 15 bucks. i didn't really care if i made anything, break even was the goal. i loved making em but ya gotta get rid of em some how. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Splint-Is it confidence or just plain crazy?
You didn't realize you are blogging with a bunch of crazy? Potts is really that beagle, LBD is really a duck, only he lives in  Canada. The rest of us are just AI bots assembling internet photos for your entertainment. Hopefully you are not one of us other wise we are just wasting our time!
I hope I didn't say 200 a month....I make about 200 a year...actually not quite that 190 something last year....I make about 20 to 25 per run and ruin a one to three a run....actually  half of the time, it's the blanks....this last run I have 5 blanks that were just plain ugly.....and had like fisheye looking thing in them.   I make about 10 runs per year.  I roll the problems into the next run. 

I do sell some, but not a bunch...its by word of mouth only.  I do get more per pen than that....for a patrizio I get 60.00. The Jr Gent or Nouvo Scpetre I get  95.00.  I have black card board boxes with my Pen name on them.  This last batch I just used a Black/Gold 3/4" Label tape.  I give them to doctors....they show them to other Drs. and I get requests that way.  I sell probably 1/2 of what I make.  But I "seed" the waters by giving them away.....I might break even...maybe....but let me tell you I am known to my Dr's by the pens I give them.  I think it helps the care I get....


lol- i thought that was way too many. i probably read it wrong. hmmm..... maybe ill start giving some to my doctors too. cant hurt right !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Splint-Is it confidence or just plain crazy?
You didn't realize you are blogging with a bunch of crazy? Potts is really that beagle, LBD is really a duck, only he lives in  Canada. The rest of us are just AI bots assembling internet photos for your entertainment. Hopefully you are not one of us other wise we are just wasting our time!
I'm from Iowa....how normal could I be.....isn't this the matrix?


i think thats splints real hair too ? 🤔

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i think thats splints real hair too ? 🤔
It was greener, but then it dried out and turned brown...
try some fertilizer splint !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Moke killer pen man!

That is not Split, that is Valderama. I once saw him score from mid field.



I've been doing beer, you mean something topical?

Maybe I just need to take a bath.
Thanks Petey and Corelz....


These are all great but I am really impressed with #5.
i agree steve, it's pure elegance !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.