
Nicely Done. I appreciate your making some personal changes; as did I during my 2nd HT-build. Hal’s personal and professional support provides an excellent ‘yes-I-can’ famework. I’m not that talented, and Hal’s support made the difference.

For my 2nd build, I made everything, save the seat and headrest, a bit more robust, a bit less rounded and elegant. The seat remained as spec’d, and I thinned the Headrest to 1" from 1.5".

From your other posted work, I see the grandfather clock – I may come knocking regarding advice on this build. I have an Amish-built tall-case, that after 20 years, I still admire. I’ve been looking for a ‘modern’ design, and haven’t yet come across one that really speaks to me.

Anyway, I wanted to compliment you on the Rocker – again, nicely done.