Thank you guys!  

Splint- It may be a few years  before he is working on my lawn....Thank is fun watching him grow up.  He is always wanting rides in my Golf cart, but he gets mad when we quit.      

Crowie-Thanks, high praise fro the toy master!

Mel..those are just some I ordered.  I have been experimenting with skate board wheels for hot rods, I have been turning the axels on my metal lathe.  They really roll!

Ron S...Thanks I think he did.  I got a call from the lady whose husband owns the company and wanted 4 more...I told her no.  I have tons of stuff to make.

Ron-Thank you!


GR8---thanks man!!

Pottzy- Thanks!  I need so many new toys...a Cricut for the stickers, a laser, 3d printer, and a CNC router set up, not to mention an addition to hold all this stuff!....The plates are made by my neighbor across the street now....
