Another Toy for Ledger

I made this for the the next door neighbor's little boy, Ledger.  As you can see his Dad is an HVAC worker, and I made this to mimic his van.  Ledger is 16 months or so, and always waves to me and talks to me.....of course I have no idea what he is saying.  When he is out in the yard he comes right up to me and pats me on the butt.  I think he knows that pat is good for another car or two.  The family is so appreciative, it's fun to do things for them.
The van is nothing Fancy, but construction grade 2x6's glued together and planed.  Grain filler and spray paint and of course sanding, sanding and more sanding.  The plates are made by another neighbor.  The stickers are the ones they put on the tin.
Thanks for looking and enjoy......



Nice Mike! Sounds like you'll have a buddy in the neighborhood to mow grass and feed the dogs when you are out.

The sponsorship is also a bonus🤠
very cool mike. i just noticed his name plate on the front. now he has a van just like his dads.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

you are a real nice guy making kewl toys for the little one GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


nice work copying the van 
Great looking van   Nicely done.  


That looks great, and I bet the dad likes it as much as the son.
Cool looking, are you making your own wheels ? Good job ,
How excellent Mike. 
That little van will be driven everywhere give many hour of fun and play. 
Love it. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Wonder how long before Ledger learns how to double park it 🧐
Thank you guys!  

Splint- It may be a few years  before he is working on my lawn....Thank is fun watching him grow up.  He is always wanting rides in my Golf cart, but he gets mad when we quit.      

Crowie-Thanks, high praise fro the toy master!

Mel..those are just some I ordered.  I have been experimenting with skate board wheels for hot rods, I have been turning the axels on my metal lathe.  They really roll!

Ron S...Thanks I think he did.  I got a call from the lady whose husband owns the company and wanted 4 more...I told her no.  I have tons of stuff to make.

Ron-Thank you!


GR8---thanks man!!

Pottzy- Thanks!  I need so many new toys...a Cricut for the stickers, a laser, 3d printer, and a CNC router set up, not to mention an addition to hold all this stuff!....The plates are made by my neighbor across the street now....


Projects for others are fun. Sounds like this one was a major success!

Cool Mokey!

Hope you took it for a test drive to ensure total safety,

Hmm... Ledger 2023???  I have dibs on an accountant in 18 years.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Very nice of you!  Good story too.

And the van is very well done!

Nicely done!


Thank you Petey-Duckie...
Duckie he is 15 months....he weighs 35 lbs....he wears 4 year old clothes....he is solid, not fat....he is going to be a linebacker for the Chiefs in 20 years.....


he is going to be a linebacker for the Chiefs in 20 years.....
20 years? I'll probably be a greeter at a Wal-Mart 👴🏻

Duckie he is 15 months....he weighs 35 lbs....he wears 4 year old clothes....he is solid, not fat....he is going to be a linebacker for the Chiefs in 20 years.....

Don't know much about your Yankee sports... but does that mean he's going to be a career criminal with uncle Mokey getting him out of jail all the time. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD