Great prezzies and build pottzy?  

But you're not getting off that easy.
1. How do they extricate the loot out of those lobster pots if they lose the key?  
2. Not being familiar with your Yankee postage, does that dial serve a purpose.
3. How does the locking m,mechanism work?  Is it simply a lever slide across the front... no recess? What about the hinges... 

 commented 27 minutes ago 

 commented 8 minutes ago
Wow!!!  Good Work!  What do we all have to do to get on your Xmas list?
thanks. well a sex change would be a good start 😆😏

WOT??? You want him to become male?  Wouldn't stop shaving legs be enough?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD